Skunk Removal in Toronto, Hamilton & Niagara Region

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There’s a reason why many individuals ask for immediate skunk removal services in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, including Mississauga, Kitchener-Waterloo & the Niagara Region. It‘s the dog owner’s biggest fear. Before you relax on your porch, you let your dog out into the backyard or the lawn, you hear some very noisy barking and maybe a yelp. You run back to your house to let the dog in, and then the foul odour hits you!

Your dog has just been sprayed by a skunk and he brought the smell inside! There’s a skunk on your property! Looks like it’s time to call professional skunk removal services and install a one-way door while you’re at it! Contrary to popular belief, these small critters are not only nocturnal animals, i.e. active at night, skunks are found to be more active at both dawn and dusk. It’s something to consider when you’re letting your dog outside.

Although skunks prefer insects and grubs, being omnivorous, they’ll eat practically anything to survive. They’re not very fast, have extremely poor vision, and rely upon their sense of smell to find food. Garbage bins, barbecue droppings, compost heaps, and other food sources left by humans will attract skunks in search of food, showing just how well they’ve adapted to urban life.


There’s a reason why many individuals ask for immediate skunk removal services in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, including Mississauga, Kitchener-Waterloo & the Niagara Region. It‘s the dog owner’s biggest fear. Before you relax on your porch, you let your dog out into the backyard or the lawn, you hear some very noisy barking and maybe a yelp. You run back to your house to let the dog in, and then the foul odour hits you!

Your dog has just been sprayed by a skunk and he brought the smell inside! There’s a skunk on your property! Looks like it’s time to call professional skunk removal services and install a one-way door while you’re at it! Contrary to popular belief, these small critters are not only nocturnal animals, i.e. active at night, skunks are found to be more active at both dawn and dusk. It’s something to consider when you’re letting your dog outside.

Although skunks prefer insects and grubs, being omnivorous, they’ll eat practically anything to survive. They’re not very fast, have extremely poor vision, and rely upon their sense of smell to find food. Garbage bins, barbecue droppings, compost heaps, and other food sources left by humans will attract skunks in search of food, showing just how well they’ve adapted to urban life.

If It Crawls or Flies, It DIES!

Call (289) 439-4343
Mon – Fri 8am – 10 pm | Sat 8am – 4pm
A technician will call as soon as possible.

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Skunks do not climb, unless the climbing is easy, for example beside a fence with piles of wood beside it. Or they’ll use bushes that are easy to climb. Typically a skunk will burrow underneath a deck or shed, dig up lawns, take refuge in a window well, and just generally take residence in your home or business.

People tend to worry about skunks being carriers of rabies, however, it’s typically not the case.  Most other types of animals, with the exception of dogs, tend to stay away from skunks therefore the chance of skunks being bitten by rabid wildlife is extremely rare. However, as a precaution, with any wild animal bite, we recommend that you get the proper tetanus shot if it does happen. But if you’re that close to a skunk, let’s face it folks, you’re far more worried about being sprayed than being bitten.

One of the reasons dogs are so prone to getting sprayed is because of their defense mechanism, which involves stomping their feet and raising their tail, which dogs understand as an invitation to play, and to smell, respectively. Skunks are known for their skunk’s spray, which they can shoot quite accurately up to a distance of about 10 feet, that’s not to say they can spray further but this is where they can really aim. Skunk spray contains a chemical from the mercaptan family, which is also used in natural gas to let you know when there’s a leak. What does this mean to you? It means a very small amount stinks to high heaven and is very difficult to remove until it just wears off.

Our skunk removal experts at Petty Pest Control Services use specialized opaque plastic traps for trapping and relocating skunks. This allows them to approach the traps safely without fear of being sprayed. This allows our wildlife technicians to ensure the removal of the animal from your property and allow him to get on with his life without bothering you, all in all, a very humane skunk removal process.

Another facet of our approach is our humane skunk exclusion services. As skunks are known to dig, our professional removal experts will scout for potential entry points that skunks will burrow under so that you and your dog can enjoy your backyard (or for that matter your front yard. We dig far enough down (typically about 2 feet), install the mesh, and refill the hole around the structure and not bother digging any further, sealing the entry points. The added layers of mesh keep skunks, and indeed, most forms of wildlife, away from your property, saving you the need to call the experts for future skunk control and other wildlife removal.

If you have a skunk problem in your home or near your area, you need to act fast. Call us today for our professional skunk removal and prevention services in the Greater Toronto Area, including Hamilton, Mississauga, Guelph, Oakville, Kitchener-Waterloo, and the Niagara Region. Contact us and we will humanely rid you of skunks from your property. Petty Pest Control Services also deals with wildlife! If you have any wildlife issues we have professional wildlife removal services which will guarantee the humane removal and control of wildlife, such as other mammals like raccoons and squirrels!