orange circle with a bee on it.

Pill Bug Pest Control

St. Catharines

Effective Management of Pillbug Infestations

Enhancing Comfort and Preserving Your Home

Why Do You Need Pill bug Control In St. Catharines?

✔️ Reduces Home Intrusions: Professional pillbug control effectively reduces the presence of pillbugs in and around your home, keeping your living spaces more comfortable and free from these persistent invaders.

✔️ Minimizes Damage: By controlling pillbug populations, professional services help prevent potential damage to organic materials and mitigate their nuisance in your garden and home.

✔️ Improves Indoor Hygiene: Professional control measures ensure your home remains cleaner and more hygienic by addressing the underlying causes of pillbug infestations, such as excess moisture and organic debris.

✔️ Offers Peace of Mind: Knowing that your property is effectively protected against pillbugs and potentially associated pests provides significant peace of mind.

✔️ Customized Treatment Strategies: Expert Petty Pest Control services evaluate the specific environmental factors of your property to create targeted treatment plans, ensuring the long-term control of pillbugs in your environment.

Strategic Approach To Pill bug Control

Our Comprehensive

Four-Step Approach To St. Catharines Pill bug Control

Pillbug underneath a magnifier

Step 1: Thorough Property Inspection

Identifying Risks and Infestations

The first crucial step involves a thorough inspection of your property to identify the common habitats and entry points for pillbugs. By understanding the specific challenges your property faces, such as moisture levels and organic debris, we craft a targeted action plan tailored to your home's unique environment.

pillbug inside  circle

Step 2: Tailored Control Strategy

Custom Plans for Comprehensive Protection

Following the inspection, we develop a tailored control strategy to address the pillbug issue effectively. This plan includes safe and environmentally responsible techniques, focusing on reducing moisture and sealing entry points, crucial for long-term pillbug management.

Pillbug with cleaning equipments

Step 3: Implementation with Precision

Effective Application for Immediate Relief

Our skilled technicians implement the control strategy with precision, employing targeted treatments to areas most at risk, including injecting dust into wall voids and applying exterior sprays. This comprehensive approach ensures all potential pillbug harborage sites are treated.

Pillbug sitting on a book

Step 4: Continuous Monitoring and Support

Ensuring Long-Term Protection and Prevention

Pillbug control is a continuous effort. After the initial treatments, we engage in ongoing monitoring of your property to detect any signs of activity resurgence. Regular follow-ups ensure the effectiveness of the protective measures, and our team provides ongoing advice on maintaining a pillbug-free environment. Our proactive communication ensures you are well-informed and confident in the protective measures safeguarding your home.


Inspection and Identification


Treatment Plans

Safe and Effective

Application Methods


Monitoring and Prevention

Thinking About What Our St. Catharines Clients Say?

Review customer opinions on our Pillbug Control Servces.

orange circle with a bee on it.

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Have a question? Give us a call

We are happy to answer any questions you have :)

Pill bug FAQs

What are pillbugs and why are they a problem?

Pillbugs, often called "roly-polies," are small, segmented crustaceans more closely related to shrimp than insects. They typically aren't harmful but can become a nuisance if they invade your home in large numbers, often indicating excess moisture.

How do pillbugs enter my home?

Pillbugs enter homes through small cracks and gaps in the foundation, especially near ground level. They are also brought in inadvertently via potted plants or other items that have been outside.

Are pillbugs dangerous to humans or pets?

No, pillbugs are not dangerous. They do not bite, sting, or transmit diseases, and they are generally not harmful to pets.

What attracts pillbugs to my home?

Pillbugs are attracted to moist environments with plenty of organic material. They often come indoors during dry weather to find moisture.

How can I prevent pillbugs from entering my home?

Preventing pillbugs involves reducing moisture around the foundation, sealing entry points, and keeping organic debris like leaf litter and mulch away from the home’s perimeter.

What does Petty Pest Control’s pillbug treatment involve?

Our treatment includes a thorough inspection, targeted application of environmentally safe products to affected areas, and recommendations for preventing future infestations.

Is the treatment safe for my family and pets?

Yes, all treatments are safe for your family and pets, provided all safety instructions, like vacating the home during application and waiting the recommended time before re-entry, are followed.

How long does it take to see results after treatment?

You should notice a reduction in pillbug activity within a few days, but it can take a couple of weeks for the treatment to fully take effect.

Does Petty Pest Control offer any guarantee for pillbug control?

Yes, our pillbug control services come with a 30-day guarantee. If you continue to experience problems within this period, we will provide additional services at no extra cost.

Can I do anything to complement the professional treatment for better results?

Yes, maintaining a dry environment by using dehumidifiers, fixing leaks, and ensuring good ventilation can complement the professional treatment and help prevent future infestations.

St. Catharines

(289) 210-9557

St. Catharines, ON, Canada