orange circle with a bee on it.

Millipede Pest Control

St. Catharines

Effective Millipede Management for Your Home

Enhancing Comfort and Preserving Your Home

Why Do You Need Millipede Infestation Control In St. Catharines?

✔️ Reduces Home Intrusion: Professional millipede control significantly lessens the invasion of these pests into your living spaces, enhancing comfort and reducing nuisance.

✔️ Minimizes Allergy and Irritation Risks: By effectively managing millipede populations, professional services help mitigate the risk of allergies and skin irritations that these pests can cause.

✔️ Protects Property: Professional millipede control is essential in preventing the accumulation of these pests, which can lead to unpleasant odors and potential damage to moist or damaged wood.

✔️ Offers Peace of Mind: Knowing that your property is safeguarded against the annoyance of millipedes provides significant relief and comfort.

✔️ Tailored Treatment Plans: Expert millipede control services evaluate the specific conditions of your property to develop customized treatment strategies, ensuring thorough and long-lasting protection against millipedes.

Strategic Approach To Millipede Infestation Control

Our Comprehensive

Four-Step Approach To St. Catharines Millipede Infestation Control

Millipede underneath a magnifier

Step 1: Thorough Property Inspection

Identifying Risks and Infestations

The initial step involves a detailed inspection of your property to identify potential millipede harborage areas and entry points. Special attention is given to moisture-prone areas, mulch, and leaf litter where millipedes thrive. This inspection helps us understand the specific conditions contributing to the millipede problem.

Millipede inside  circle

Step 2: Tailored Control Strategy

Custom Plans for Comprehensive Protection

Utilizing the insights from the inspection, we craft a tailored control strategy that may include environmental modifications to reduce moisture and organic debris. The strategy incorporates safe and effective treatments such as granular baits and residual sprays tailored to your property's specific needs, focusing on long-term millipede control.

Millipede logo

Step 3: Implementation with Precision

Effective Application for Immediate Relief

Our trained technicians execute the control strategy meticulously. This includes the application of dust in wall voids and barrier sprays around the perimeter of the home. These treatments target both adult and larval stages of millipedes, ensuring comprehensive coverage.

Millipede sitting on a book

Step 4: Continuous Monitoring and Support

Ensuring Long-Term Protection and Prevention

Millipede control does not end with initial treatment. We continue to monitor your property to ensure the effectiveness of our interventions and to adapt our approach if needed. Regular follow-ups help maintain barriers and prevent future infestations. Our team remains available to provide advice and support, keeping you informed and secure against millipede invasions.


Inspection and Identification


Treatment Plans

Safe and Effective

Application Methods


Monitoring and Prevention

St. Catharines Residents, What's Your Experience With Us?

Hear directly from our clients about their Millipede Infestation Control experiences.

orange circle with a bee on it.

Schedule a Pest Inspection

Ready to schedule a pest inspection? Contact us today.

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Have a question? Give us a call

We are happy to answer any questions you have :)

Millipedes FAQs

What attracts millipedes to my home?

Millipedes are attracted to moist environments with organic material. They often enter homes during dry periods searching for humidity or after heavy rains when their natural habitats are flooded.

Are millipedes dangerous?

Millipedes are not dangerous; they do not bite or sting and are generally not harmful to humans. However, they can become a nuisance when they invade your home in large numbers.

How can I prevent millipedes from entering my house?

To prevent millipedes from entering, reduce moisture around your home, remove leaf piles, grass clippings, and other organic debris, seal cracks and crevices in the foundation, and ensure good ventilation in crawl spaces and basements.

What does Petty Pest Control use to treat millipedes?

We use a combination of treatments including exterior barrier sprays, dust in wall voids, and granular baits in gardens to effectively control millipede populations.

Is the treatment safe for my pets and family?

Yes, all treatments used by Petty Pest Control are safe for pets and family when applied according to label instructions. Our technicians ensure that safety protocols are followed to minimize exposure.

How long does it take for the treatment to work?

You might start noticing a reduction in millipede activity within a few days. However, it can take a couple of weeks for the treatment to fully impact the millipede population.

Do I need to leave my home during treatment?

For certain treatments, such as indoor spray applications, it is recommended that you vacate the property for at least 4 hours to allow the product to dry completely.

How often should I receive millipede control services?

We generally recommend regular monitoring and treatment adjustments seasonally or as needed, based on the level of infestation and environmental conditions.

What is the guarantee with your millipede control service?

Petty Pest Control offers a 30-day guarantee for millipede control services. If you experience ongoing issues within this period, we will provide additional services at no extra cost.

Can I manage millipedes on my own?

While you can take steps to manage millipedes, such as reducing moisture and removing debris, professional treatment is often necessary to fully control an infestation, especially in areas with persistent issues.

St. Catharines

(289) 210-9557

St. Catharines, ON, Canada