orange circle with a bee on it.

Ant Control St. Catharines

Effective Ant Management for Your Home and Business

Enhancing Comfort and Preserving Your Home

Why Do You Need Common Ants Control In St. Catharines?

✔️ Improves Home Cleanliness: Professional ant control helps maintain a cleaner home by effectively managing ant infestations, reducing the annoyance and discomfort they bring.

✔️ Protects Against Health Risks: By controlling common ant populations, professional services prevent potential health risks associated with these pests, such as contaminating food and spreading bacteria.

✔️ Prevents Property Damage: While less destructive than termites, some common ants can damage property. Professional control is vital in preventing such damage and maintaining the integrity of your home.

✔️ Offers Peace of Mind: Knowing that your property is safeguarded against the persistent nuisance of common ants provides immense peace of mind, especially during peak seasons.

✔️ Tailored Treatment Plans: Expert ant control services from Petty Pest Control assess the specific needs of your property to create customized treatment plans, ensuring effective and long-lasting protection against common ants.

Strategic Approach To Common Ants Control

Our Comprehensive

Four-Step Approach To St. Catharines Common Ants Control

Common Ants inside a circle

Step 1: Thorough Property Inspection

Identifying Risks and Infestations

The first crucial step involves a comprehensive inspection of your property to identify ant entry points and hotspots. This assessment helps us understand the scale of infestation and the specific type of ants, which is vital for crafting an effective treatment plan.

Common ants with cleaning equipmens

Step 2: Tailored Control Strategy

Custom Plans for Comprehensive Protection

With insights from the inspection, Petty Pest Control develops a customized ant control strategy. This includes the strategic placement of granular bait in gardens and mulch beds where ants are active, ensuring the bait penetrates deep into the nest.

Giant common ant ith two small carpenter ants

Step 3: Implementation with Precision

Effective Application for Immediate Relief

Our skilled technicians apply a perimeter spray around your home—1 foot up and 1 foot out—to create a robust barrier against ants. Additionally, targeted crack-and-crevice treatments with dust formulations are used to address hidden nests, ensuring comprehensive coverage.

Common ants creating a circle

Step 4: Continuous Monitoring and Support

Ensuring Long-Term Protection and Prevention

Ant control is a continuous effort. Following the initial treatments, Petty Pest Control maintains vigilance with regular monitoring to detect any resurgence of ant activity. We offer follow-up treatments within our 30-day guarantee period to ensure your home remains ant-free. Ongoing advice and support are provided to help you maintain an ant-resistant environment around your property.


and Safe Solutions


Ant Treatment Plans

Preventive Measures

for Long-Term Control


Inspection and Identification

Curious About Our Customer Experiences in Sta Catharines?

Discover what our customers are saying about our Carpenter Ants Control Services.

orange circle with a bee on it.

Schedule a Pest Inspection

Ready to schedule a pest inspection? Contact us today.

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Have a question? Give us a call

We are happy to answer any questions you have :)

Common Ants FAQs

What type of ants can Petty Pest Control help eliminate?

Petty Pest Control is equipped to handle a variety of common ant species, including pavement ants, carpenter ants, and odorous house ants.

How does Petty Pest Control determine the type of treatment needed?

The treatment plan is determined after a thorough inspection of your property to assess the extent of the infestation and identify the specific type of ants present.

Is the ant treatment safe for pets and children?

Yes, safety is a priority. We use environmentally responsible products that are safe for both pets and children when applied according to label directions.

How long does it take to see results after treatment?

You might start to see a reduction in ant activity immediately after treatment, but it can take up to a few weeks for the full effect, depending on the extent of the infestation.

Do I need to leave my home during treatment?

It is not usually necessary to leave your home during ant treatment unless you have specific sensitivities to the treatment products used.

What are the signs of an ant infestation?

Signs include seeing live ants, especially in kitchens and bathrooms, trails of ants, and in the case of carpenter ants, wood shavings and faint rustling noises inside walls.

Can Petty Pest Control prevent ants from coming back?

Yes, along with effective treatment, we provide preventive measures and recommendations to keep ants from returning.

How often should I schedule ant control services?

Regular scheduling depends on your specific situation, but generally, seasonal checks are recommended to prevent new infestations.

What should I do if I see ants after the initial treatment?

If you see ants after treatment, contact us for a follow-up. Our services include a 30-day guarantee with follow-up treatments if necessary.

How can I prepare my home for ant control treatment?

Remove any food sources that might attract ants, such as crumbs and spills, seal food in containers, and reduce moisture around the home by fixing leaks and ensuring proper drainage outside.

St. Catharines

(289) 210-9557

St. Catharines, ON, Canada