Squirrel Removal Services

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Squirrel Removal – Toronto, Hamilton, Niagara & Oakville

More and more often, we are contacted about Squirrel Removal in Toronto and the Greater Toronto Area. You may think that leaving on your attic lights or attempting to ‘harass’ the animals yourself might hurry their departure. While these methods can sometimes be effective, at Petty Pest Control Services our removal technicians have years of experience with not only humane squirrel removal but also experienced wildlife removal and have helped homeowners and business owners alike get rid of these pesky animals in almost every situation and circumstance possible.


Helping You Rid Your Attic of Squirrels

These pests can be quite a nuisance because they are able to easily adapt to a changing environment, making effective squirrel removal very tough to do on your own without the help of a professional. They have a bad habit of gnawing on just about everything that you can imagine. From your wood-shingled roof to your metal gutters, the chew and gnaw, nothing is a match for their squirrel teeth. One of the main reasons for this behavior is that their teeth grow continuously, thus they chew and gnaw on objects to keep their teeth to an adequate length.

Beyond that, squirrels have been known to nest in the attics of homes. Squirrels can damage even the house’s structure, compromising your house’s structural integrity, and can drive you absolutely crazy with annoying scratching sounds, gnawing sounds, and shuffling sounds when they nest in your home.

Do you need help with squirrel control?

The first thing that may indicate a squirrel infestation is the noise in the attic that is made when they are either breeding, entering, and exiting the attic and the gnawing that they continually do. Squirrels usually, will pick the highest spot on the roof to enter. Therefore it is very dangerous for a homeowner to try and remove them on their own. Sometimes the squirrels will actually jump out of the hole onto the unsuspecting homeowner who is trying to evict them. Further, the wiring of the attic should be inspected in the attic if the squirrels have been in the attic for any length of time. Squirrels will gnaw on the wire plastic insulation and expose the electrical wire to create a fire hazard.

Once the squirrels have babies in the spring the noise will actually increase because of the amount animals present. More squirrel babies equals more noise and damage. So if you hear gnawing with some scuffling above your head at night, you can be sure that there are younger animals present and that a family has made a nest in your home. This is usually in the spring of the year. So if you have yourself a known entry point, like say, a chimney or a vent, and encounter signs of squirrel infestation, our Squirrel Control Services can help with our professional squirrel removal service, our removal specialists will solve your squirrel problem.

If It Crawls or Flies, It DIES!

Call (289) 439-4343
Mon – Fri 8am – 10 pm | Sat 8am – 4pm
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Why do you need squirrel removal?

Many homeowners think that squirrels will simply go away by themselves. While it is true that the animals sometimes make only a temporary den out of your attic, most of the time they will remain there for a number of weeks or longer. If you are lucky enough for the squirrels to exit on their own, with no intervention, they will likely return at a later time. Squirrels in the attic will then be the norm for you as long as wildlife removal companies are not contacted.

If a pregnant mother makes its way into your home, it may stay there for the duration until all the babies have been weaned and left on their own. Then the process begins again. Mother squirrels will usually have two litters per year. Such cases are typically a harbinger of future squirrel nesting down the line, necessitating the need for squirrel control solutions such as baby squirrel removal and exclusion and squirrel proofing.

Are squirrels dangerous?

The biggest danger from squirrels is probably their habit of gnawing. Squirrels can cause house fires, with 50% of all house fires suspected of being caused by squirrel damaged wiring.

Additionally, much like other rodents, squirrels have been known to host and spread various diseases that are easily transmitted to humans, such as sylvatic typhus and tularemia. Other examples are bacteria and parasites from food contaminated by squirrel feces, such as salmonellosis, leptospirosis, and roundworms.

It is through knowing the danger they pose that we offer not only reliable squirrel removal services and squirrel prevention but also broader wildlife control services and humane wildlife removal services.


How can Petty Pest Control Services help with squirrel removal?

Every squirrel removal job begins with our highly trained and professional Wildlife Technicians doing a complete inspection of the home to determine if the animals have gotten inside the attic area. If they have, we will enter the attic to determine the extent of the damage that the squirrels may have caused. Once this is done we will set squirrel traps to capture the animals and after determining that every squirrel has been captured, the squirrel removal process starts and they will remove any squirrels from the premises, before repairing the entry points used by the animals, such as the chimney.

When in the attic, we also look for and remove squirrel droppings and urine. This can be very significant if they have been living in the home for an extended time. We also offer a flea treatment if needed. Thus ends our offered humane squirrel control. If you have these unwanted Toronto squirrels in your attic or rooftop, we offer squirrel removal services in Toronto and the GTA. We service the broader Greater Toronto and Hamilton Metropolitan Area and the Niagara Region; Toronto, Mississauga, Oakville, Hamilton, Guelph, Kitchener-Waterloo, St. Catharine’s, Niagara Falls, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Fort Erie, and Simcoe. We also provide immediate emergency services anytime 24-7.